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10 years for A400M. What now?

Actualizado: 19 ene 2020

End of 2009 was the first flight of the four-engine turboprop military transport aircraft. It is now half way through total deliveries agreed (179).

9 nations have been delivered with A400M

Until now, only a few nations that are not part of the Programme have bought the aircraft. This is currently the problem it is facing in the search for new clients. Some of the problems the aicraft has encountered through these years are: financial struggles & production delays.

Political issues are sometimes the trigger of rejecting deliveries. This is why important contracts have been interrupted making it harder and harder to find brand new clients.

Right now the production of the aircraft is ensured until the end of the decade, having slowed down the production leadtimes.

Slowing down the production leadtimes might help to face and implement the latest features that the project has for the aircraft

Maybe the future is to deal with its little brother´s clients, the C295 as a way of strengthening the relationship between Airbus and its clients.




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